
Jumbo Personalised Bouquet


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This gorgeous bouquet features one Jumbo Balloon Personalised, making it the perfect centerpiece for any special occasion. With an impressive 80cm diameter, this balloon adds a personalized touch to your event decor, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or wedding. The bouquet also includes three small foils of your choice.

Customize it with vibrant colors and lettering styles to perfectly match your theme. Elevate your event with our Jumbo Balloon, guaranteed to mesmerize your guests and create unforgettable memories. Order now to add a touch of personalized magic to your celebration!


Biodegradable latex balloons

Latex balloons are not plastic. They are a plant-based product, made from natural rubber harvested from rubber tree plantations which are a renewable resource. We are members of PEBA – the pro environment Banning the deliberate release of balloons and promoting the responsible use and disposal is vital for effective environmentally responsible change.

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